Supporting documents for eyeglasses allowance at EOPYY – Instructions

Documents for optics at EOPYY – Instructions for electronic application

The supporting documents that you need to submit to EOPYY for the subsidy of glasses and optics in general, are the following:

  • Medical report of EKPY benefits from the ophthalmologist
  • Retail receipt from our store
  • Certificate of the optician, issued by us
  • Photocopy of bank account and specifically of IBAN, with the beneficiary listed in the medical opinion, for the deposit of the compensation.

To submit your supporting documents to EOPYY for compensation for eyeglasses from optical stores click here. You will need to have the taxis codes at your disposal to log in to the application

Insured persons can file electronic claims for compensation of optical claims, both of themselves and of their protected members, which are included in their insurance portion.

For all these electronic applications, it is also possible to be informed, at the stage of the application, in real time, ie in each request the details of the request protocol, approval / rejection decision and, following the approval, the deposit in the beneficiary’s bank account are displayed.

Instructions to the insured for the electronic submission of the supporting documents, for the spectacle allowance from EOPYY.

  1. Go to the EOPYY (click here) webpage
  2. Log in with the taxis codes
  5. Enter in the field “ΑΦΟΡΑ” if it is an indirect or direct member and fill in the AMKA. Indirectly insured after selecting “indirect member” enter their own AMKA and other personal data. Only in the field of “ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥΧΟΥ” enter those of the directly insured. For protected minor members, enter their AMKA in the upper left of the search box) For protected minor members, enter their AMKA in the upper left of the search box)
  6. Enter the Postal Code “ΤΚ” of your home
  7. In the field “ΠΟΣΟ ΑΙΤΗΜΑΤΟΣ” you enter the exact amount of the document (receipt), given to you by our store
  8. Fill in all the other information and in the field “ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ ΓΝΩΜΑΤΕΥΣΗΣ” select the number that coincides with the one that is just below the barcode in the EKPI benefits report, given to you by your ophthalmologist
  9. Upload by pressing “+” “ΣΚΑΝΑΡΙΣΜΕΝΑ” the required documents requested (purchase receipt, optical certificate, first page of the bank booklet or other document certifying the IBAN number you entered and identity)